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Prismacolor Dreams

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I admit I am not an artist. BUT. I have always wanted to be one. The ideas in my head are stuck because my hands are not trained for the heady experience of creating images on paper or canvas or forbidden walls in the city. So now I come to work each day and face the rows and rows of gorgeous art pencils and markers, the charcoals, the drawing leads--alas, more images appear and crowd into the auditorium of my mind, waiting to be displayed somewhere more public. 

I think people who swoon in Office Max know exactly what I mean. The paper calls. The writing instruments show off their lovely shapes, inviting shoppers to buy. And the furniture....the printers...

OK, don't laugh. I know about you Starbucks addicts. And what about those of you who would rather go to Home Depot than the mall? Well...I've got your numbers. 

Take a look at what greets me each morning;

Don't you want to draw something? And that's not even half the colors now available! 

Not an art pencil fan? Try this:

Manga is HUGE. The characters are amazing and fun. Art markers are easy to use and, well, look at those eyes.

Not enough? heh heh heh Here are a few more art markers:

This is still not the whole show. There are currently 200 colors in art marker sets. AND they come both chisel/fine and brush/fine. OHHH for a smidg of talent.

I have looked for a nice beginners class--one that doesn't meet during business hours. I hoped that I could get a smaller set of pencils or markers and have at it. I also bought a book on how to start drawing simple things with ordinary lead pencils. It isn't working. Frustration abounds. 

If you want to dream these same colorful dreams, wander through the Art Products category and see how you feel. The colors are delicious. The tips and the possibilities are just yummy. Have fun. Happy daydreaming.