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More Products Head for the Close Out Section

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I will keep this short and sweet: there are a bunch of good deals under Close Out on the category list. These are products that have been discontinued by the manufacturer, but they are still in good shape. We have cut the prices so you can enjoy them once again, and not be hindered by manufacturer's list pricing.

Mechanical pencils don't age, so if you have a favorite shape, and you can no longer find it, take a look and see if we are still carrying it. If it isn't in close out, it may still be on our regular listings. You can also call and ask at 1-800-970-7367. Sometimes things just hide and don't make it onto the web.

We have some Expo boards and markers in colors that are hard to find open stock. If we have opened a large pack to sell one or two colors, then the rest are offered to you at lower prices. I love using bright colors when I'm putting my thoughts on a dry erase board.

Pens like the Flexgrip or the TopNotch have been around and now are one the way out. But when the price is low, you can take advantage and have a better pen for less. G Force and KV2 are also on that list. 

The office accessories category is also full of good deals. You might be surprised to find some chic business products as well as desk and business organizers. We try to make certain the products listed are good looking and useful. 

Kid products are everywhere. If you need things for the playroom, craft room, or just for general purposes, try out these categories. 

New things are coming in all the time, so the old standbys often get moved just because we have overstock. It makes sense to look over the site for good bargains. Shopping is fun--and we have some fun and useful items you are sure to enjoy.