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Golf Season Approaches

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Golfing is such a fun sport. You get to walk around on beautiful grounds whacking a ball into practically forever (and hopefully toward the green of your choosing), and it's good exercise. It's also relaxing--unless you've wagered your last two week's pay--and it lets you enjoy the great weather and the challenge. That's a neat package. 

I used to have my own clubs--ladies left handed clubs with tassels and the whole caboodle. It was super fun. Alas, time no longer permits. BUT...

When you go out to wander the courses, you will note the nice, bright lettering on the scoreboards, and the markers used to keep you informed come from us. Hopefully. We have great prices on those products. We have them listed on a page all its own.  If you haven't looked us over yet, you should know that we sell to many golf courses across the country, and we're huge golf fans. 

If you need to mark your golf balls, look at all the Sharpies we have. MIni's are great for that purpose. So are Sharpie Fine Point. I use the Premium, myself. Whatever you choose, it will work well and keep the ball visible (no matter how many bushes or ruff or trees you encounter). Whatever you do, don't end up like this:

Just let it go and try another day.