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Artists will love our prices on Prismacolor

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When I walk through the stacks looking at the art pencilsmarkers, and other art products by Prismacolor, I am immediately stimulated to do something creative. The richness and variety of color cause images to collide on my frontal lobe, and it sends me flying to my keyboard. Why my keyboard, you ask? Because I can't draw or paint, or even doodle. So I write. I love creating characters and stories so others can enjoy them with me. But the fact remains, I can't do a graphic novel--online or elsewhere--without the assistance of a real artist. Then I have to explain what I'm seeing in my head and hope that person gets it. If only I could draw...

I envy all of you who have the talent. I don't know how you can resist these art tools. . They have accessories galore. And charcoal.

I have stood awed as my younger sister took charcoal and drew a stallion rearing up, pawing the air, nostrils flared, and it was nearly life size! Then she proceeded to do a mare racing away in the distance. The dust kicked up around the mare's hooves. It covered the living room wall.  She did it just....like...that. Her talent is enormous. Her drawings are delicious. I can draw a reasonable straight line....

If I were an artist I'd have one of everything. When the trucks come in, I'm in the warehouse waiting to see what delights await. Doesn't matter if I've seen them before. I have favorites, and I enjoy seeing them over and over. It's like Christmas all year long. I think it's the colors. Some are so rich and dark (or rich and light) that I want to begin making marks immediately. How do you artists manage it? Staying calm, I mean. Gheesh. I get a rush of energy just from thinking about it.

Today materials exist that were never available to past generations. My mother painted, and she sketched a bunch. I have folders full of cool ideas she had. But she didn't have the variety of tools that artists have now. Today you can pick up a Sharpie Brush tip and do wonderful things with it. Or, you can choose from the 200 (Yes, TWO HUNDRED) colors in Prismacolor's double ended brush/fine marker line. How can you resist? Think of the possibilities--I am considering them all the time. I wonder what I would imagine if I had talent to actually create something with all those products? 

I hope you will take time to cruise through the art products category. Dream a little. Our prices are competitive and you will enjoy using the art tools.